Monday, June 24, 2024

Fiberweb India Q4 FY24 Total Income Up 328 Percent

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Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], May 23: Fiberweb (India) Ltd. a 100% EOU & manufacturers of non-woven fabrics announced its audited Q4 FY24 & FY24 result. 

Q4 FY24 Key Financials at a Glance: 

(₹  Crores)

Particular Q4FY24 Q4FY23  YoY Change
Total Income 20.95 4.90 327.55%
EBITDA 5.33 -5.40 Loss To Profit
EBITDA (%) 25.44% -110.98% Loss To Profit
Net Profit 3.52 -5.15 Loss To Profit
Net Profit Margin (%) 16.80% -105.75% Loss To Profit
EPS 1.22 -2.51 Loss To Profit

FY24 Key Financials at a Glance: 

(₹ Crores)

Particular FY24 FY23  YoY Change
Total Income 86.90 67.38 28.97%
EBITDA 12.37 3.37 206.82%
EBITDA (%) 14.23% 5.01% 689 BPS
Net Profit 7.28 -0.30 Loss To Profit
Net Profit Margin (%) 8.38% -0.44% Loss To Profit
EPS 2.52 -0.10 Loss To Profit

Key Financial Highlights:

The Book Value of the company stands at ₹ 56 per share.

Commenting on the performance,Mr. Bhavesh P Sheth, Director of Fiberweb (India) Ltd. said, “We are pleased to announce our Q4 and FY24 results, which demonstrate our resilience and a significant turnaround in our financial performance. We have also achieved substantial improvements in profitability, reflected in our strong margin growth.

The improving market conditions are expected to sustain our growth moving forward. We are deeply grateful to all our stakeholders for their long-term support.”

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