Monday, June 24, 2024

Jai Sabrawal Transitions from School Management to Entrepreneurship, Now Making Waves in the Fashion World

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Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) [India], June 15: Jai Sabharwal from Srinagar has achieved success by creating a distinct identity for himself through hard work. Yes, let me inform you that Jai is not only a school manager but also an entrepreneur. He has undertaken many social activities, making him well-known today. Jai started by running a very small school, which has now become renowned in Srinagar city.

How He Started in the Fashion Industry

Jai says, “I began my journey in the fashion industry by participating in the smallest level shows, and from there, my journey in the industry began, and I never looked back.”

Jai has made a name for himself in the fashion industry in a very short time by doing show after show. He has showcased his talent as a showstopper eight times, including in shows like Asian International and Rajasthan Pride, in cities like Delhi, Noida, Dehradun, Lucknow, and Bareilly. Additionally, Jai has also served as a judge in several shows.

While talking to the media, Jai Sabharwal said, “My only objective is to become a role model for the upcoming generation. Through this, I always tell all the youth to do whatever work they do with complete honesty and dedication, and success will surely follow.”

Jai added that he wants to continue learning many more things and move forward because every person should be multitasking.

Jai further says, “I believe in my hard work and my work, and it is because of this that I am at this position today.”

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