Monday, June 24, 2024

Techjockey Enters US Market, Bringing Expert Software Guidance to American Businesses

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New Delhi (India), June 15: Post establishing its niche in the Indian market, the software marketplace Techjockey has achieved another significant milestone by successfully expanding its operations to the USA.

Techjockey aims to simplify the process of discovering the ideal software solutions tailored to individual business needs.

By offering a curated selection of top-tier software products and providing expert guidance, intends to streamline decision-making for American businesses, helping them optimize their operations and achieve their goals with greater efficiency and ease.

Speaking on the occasion, Techjockey Co-Founder Akash Nangia said, “We are excited to bring Techjockey’s innovative platform to the USA.” He added, “Our mission is to remove the complexities of software selection, offering American businesses the essential tools and insights for success. Your prosperity is our top priority, and we are committed to supporting you throughout every stage of the process.”

The company has cemented its foot in the Indian software marketplace by partnering with more than 3,000 software and tech companies including giants like Microsoft, Adobe, AWS, Keka, Freshworks and Mybillbook. Techjockey is presently catering to the demands of across 500+ different categories of software, making a name in the software marketplace.

Founded by Akash Nangia and Arjun Mittal in 2017, has become a major player in the software industry, offering 20,000+ verified software listings across over 500+ categories. It is helping businesses and users to discover and compare software, allowing them to find the best product according to their specific needs. Techjockey, through its website, offers software listings with genuine reviews and user experiences that help potential software buyers make their buying journey easy.

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