Sunday, June 23, 2024

Kartkrew Motorsports Dominates Senior Max Category in FMSCI Meco Meritus Cup- 2024

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Bangalore (Karnataka) [India], May 25:  The Meco Meritus Cup, a premier karting championship organized by Meco Motorsports, concluded its thrilling final round at Meco Kartopia with Kartkrew Motorsports asserting its dominance in the Senior Max category. Kartkrew’s Siddharth Rooso and Ethan Joy clinched the champion and vice-champion titles, respectively, showcasing their exceptional talent and the team’s superior coaching program.

Kartkrew Motorsports, fielded three drivers in two categories, delivering impressive performances throughout the season. The team provides extensive driver and career coaching across India, Southeast Asia, and Europe, nurturing the next generation of motorsport talent.

The championship saw 34 drivers compete across three categories: Senior Max, OK-Junior, and MicroMax, with participation from five top racing teams. Siddharth Rooso emerged as the standout performer in the Senior Max category, securing race victories and maintaining a 100% podium finish rate, ending the season with a total of 90 points with just 2 years of experience. His teammate, Ethan Joy, also delivered strong performances, finishing the season with 77 points with just one year of experience in the senior’s class this being his second, both drivers significantly outpacing their closest competitors from MSport.

In addition to Rooso’s triumph in the Senior Max category, the championship also celebrated the victories of Rivaan Dev Preetham from team MSport in the Micro Max category and Aarav Dewan from Leapfrog Racing in the OK-Junior category.

For further information, please contact:

Kartkrew Motorsports  

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About Kartkrew Motorsports:

Kartkrew Motorsports is a leading karting institute in India. The institute is dedicated to providing top-notch driver and career coaching, with a presence across India, Southeast Asia, and Europe. Through its comprehensive training programs, Kartkrew Motorsports aims to develop and nurture the talents of young drivers, preparing them for successful careers in motorsports.

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